

A slow-paced practice that uses long deep stretching, to enhance joint mobility and flexibility, often followed by a short guided meditation.

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  • Live Replay: Connecting to Feminine Energy (60 min) - with Joss Frank

    This is an hour dedicated to ourselves. It's about intention-setting, self-love, reflection, meditation, and inner peace as we set ourselves up for a positive week ahead.

    Today's practice is about connecting to the feminine energy and growing self-love. Enjoy mindful moves and guided meditations...

  • Live Replay: Yin & Meditation for Anxiety (60 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for 60 minutes of calm. Yin is a slow-paced practise that uses long deep stretching, to enhance joint mobility and flexibility. Followed by a meditation, let this be a calming and centring part of your day.
    Today's message for this practice is around anxiety and the importance of calmin...