Under 5 minutes

Under 5 minutes

Plan your day!

This collection includes classes that range from 2 to 5 minutes in duration.

Even if you only have 5 minutes, any time spent on your mat or in meditation is beneficial for your overall wellbeing.

We've organized this collection to make it easy for you to fit a quick practice into your day. This collection also hosts many of our 5 minute tutorials so you can learn, grow and be inspired!

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Under 5 minutes
  • Yogi Tip: Warrior 2 (3 min) - with Mikaela Millington

    If you practice yoga, you've probably done many "Warrior 2" (virabhadrasana 2) poses. Mikaela breaks down the pose in this Yogi Tip to help you find proper alignment while you flow through your class.
    - Front heel to back inner arch alignment
    - You don't half to keep your back foot parallel to th...

  • Tutorial: Boat Pose (7 min) — with Jayme Burke

    It's believed that Boat Pose works better than crunches! Sometimes in this pose, there's a tendency to let the hip flexors take over. Jayme shows us how to use the core muscles for optimal Boat Pose benefits.

  • Work from Home Yoga Break (5 mins) — with Rachel Scott

    Take a quick break from sitting to stretch and strengthen with Rachel. You don't need anything for this class except your yoga mat and a nearby wall.

  • Tutorial: How to do Child's Pose Properly (5 min) – with Rachel Scott

    Rachel's quick tutorial shows you how to do this simple and restful pose so that it fits your body! To see what works for you make sure you have a few props handy, including a blanket, a rolled-up towel, and two yoga blocks.
    If you don't have yoga blocks you can use two thicker books instead.

  • Tutorial: Best Style of Yoga for Beginners (5 min) – with Rachel Scott

    Listen as Rachel briefly describes how to pick the right type of yoga for your experience and goals. Have a quick listen before picking your first class!

  • Tutorial: Jumping into Chaturanga (5 min) — with Mari Dickey

    Learn how to do jump back into Chaturanga (low push up) safely and with proper alignment for your body with YYOGA teacher trainer, Mari.

  • Tutorial: How to Do Standing Pigeon (5min) — with Jasmina Egeler

    Learn how to do Standing Pigeon pose safely and with proper alignment for your body with YYOGA teacher trainer, Jasmina.

    She loves it because it requires a greater level of focus because you're balancing on one foot. It also allows you to strengthen your standing leg and foot as well as giving...

  • Tutorial: How to Do Downward Dog (5 min) — with Jasmina Egeler

    Learn how to do Downward Dog safely and with proper alignment for your body with YYOGA teacher trainer, Jasmina.

  • Tutorial: How to do Side Plank (5 min) — with Mari Dickey

    Learn why Vasisthasana (Side Plank) is Mari's favorite pose, and practice with her in this tutorial!

    Mari loves Vasisthasana because, as she describes, there are so many ways to modify it — using it as a transition to move into other shapes, educating your side body and beginning to wake it up, ...

  • Tutorial: How to Do Revolved Triangle (5 min) — with Jayme Burke

    In this short tutorial, learn the proper alignment for Triangle Pose with Jayme.

  • Tutorial: How to do Pigeon Pose (5 min) — with Rachel Scott

    Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) is a wonderful shape that stretches the glutes and the outer hips.

    If you are a biker, a runner, a hiker, a jogger - this will be a really great pose for you.

    Explore a forward folding pigeon with Rachel in this quick tutorial!

  • Tutorial: How to Do Side Angle Pose (5 min) — with Rachel Scott

    In this yoga tutorial, we look at Side Angle Pose (Parsvakonasana), an accessible pose that almost everybody can do - but it’s really challenging! It gives you an amazing stretch through your side body and spine.

  • Meditation: for Instant Calm (5 min) — with Jayme Burke

    Nadi Shodhana, or “alternate nostril breathing", is a wonderful and meditative way to calm the mind instantly. In this short meditation and breathwork tutorial, YYOGA teacher trainer Jayme Burke explores this pranayama technique, inspiring instant calm.

    Grab a comfy cushion (and maybe even a b...

  • 5 Tips to Support Your At-Home Practice (5 min) — with Rachel Scott

    Rachel shares 5 tips for staying motivated, inspired and consistent with your at-home practice, including embracing the micro practice.

    Let your yoga practice fit into your life — it doesn't have to be 30, 40 or 60 minutes; 5 minutes of presence and mindfulness can dramatically impact your day...

  • Tutorial: What is Om and Why Do We Chant It? (5 min) — with Rachel Scott

    Curious about what Om is, means and why we chant it? Rachel explains the history of Om.

  • Tutorial: What is Namaste? (1 min) — with Rachel Scott

    Curious about what Namaste means and why people say it at the end of class? Learn why from Rachel!

  • Tutorial: Learn About Our Signature Styles (5 min) — with Rachel Scott

    Curious about what styles of yoga we offer, and how they're different? Start here with Rachel, YYOGA teacher trainer!

    Rachel covers the differences between Hatha, Flow, Power, YHot, Restorative and Yin.

    See you on the mat!

  • Tutorial: How to Use Props at Home (5 min) — with Rachel Scott

    Props are an important part of a yoga practice at every level.

    Common props are mats, blocks and straps. Rachel will share some alternative items you are likely to have around your home that can be used instead.

    Sometimes we think we have to have a fancy mat and fancy props, but you really...

  • Tutorial: Cobra vs. Upward Facing Dog (5 min) — with Jayme Burke

    Learn the difference between Cobra and Upward Facing Dog, and how to practice them safely with Jayme Burke, YYOGA teacher trainer.

    If you practice Flow or Power, you'll notice these poses are practiced a lot. Practicing them with proper alignment is critical to avoiding injury.

  • Tutorial: How to do Bridge Pose — with Lisa Sanson

    Learn about Lisa's favorite pose, Bridge (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana), and how to practice it in this 5 minute tutorial.

    Bridge pose strengthens the back line of the body (glutes, hamstrings, etc), the back of the spine and shoulders, opens up the chest and opens up the front of the hips.

  • Tutorial: What Makes YHot Unique (5 min) — with Lisa Sanson

    Curious about the differences between YHot and other hot yoga offerings? Lisa Sanson, YYOGA YHot teacher trainer shares more about our signature hot yoga style, YHot, and what makes it unique in this short video.

    In our studios, YHot is practiced in 40 degree heat with 40% humidity. YHot is a ...

  • Tutorial: Benefits of Hot Yoga (5 min) — with Lisa Sanson

    Curious about hot yoga? Learn about the five main benefits of our signature hot yoga style, YHot, with YYOGA YHot teacher trainer, Lisa Sanson.

    In our studios, YHot is practiced in 40 degree heat with 40% humidity. YHot is a set sequence; Lisa shares her five main benefits of the practice. Thi...

  • Tutorial: How to do Dancer's Pose (5 min) — with Mari Dickey

    Learn how get into Dancer's Pose, Natarajasana, with YYOGA teacher trainer Mari Dickey.

    This well-known balancing pose is a sweet front body opener, back body straightener, and the peak pose in our YHot sequence.

    It also has a lot of progressions, so whether you've just started practicing o...

  • Tutorial: How to do Crow Pose (5 min) — with Mari Dickey

    Alignment based movement is even more important when you're practicing challenging compact arm balances like Crow (Bakasana).

    If you're looking to introduce arm balancing into your practice, play in this short tutorial that guides you into crow pose, the gateway into many other arm balances.