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Core Sculpt (16 min) - with Naomi Joy Gallagher

Tone & Sculpt • 16m

Up Next in Tone & Sculpt

  • Pilates Sculpt (30 min) - with Naomi ...

    Join Naomi for a 30-minute Sculpting Pilates class. This style uses controlled movements to improve your flexibility, strength and endurance. Emphasis on alignment, breathing and developing core awareness.

    No props required for this class!

  • Low Impact & Core Glider Workout (30 ...

    Join Hana for a Total Body Core & Low Impact Cardio class with Gliders! This is a total-body workout using (2) clothes, rags, scarves, or anything that can be used to glide your feet along a smooth surface. If you have carpet, you can use something like magazines, frisbees, or plastic lids fr...

  • Live Replay: Afternoon Mat Pilates (6...

    This style uses controlled movements to improve your flexibility, strength and endurance. Emphasis on alignment, breathing and developing core awareness.


    Props: Yoga mat, towel or cushion for knees if n...