Stephen Ewashkiw

Stephen Ewashkiw

My classes are playful and challenging. You can expect clear instructions and demonstrations to help you focus on form when you come to my classes. You’ll learn anatomy and alignment while also developing mindfulness skills that you can use in yoga class and in the rest of your life.

I teach yoga to help you make the most of your life and to find the courage to live your own adventures. It's my goal to help you discover the knowledge, strength and tenacity to make bold choices and step outside your comfort zone.

A few fun facts about me:
➤ I have been teaching yoga for 13+ years
➤ I have taught in 25 countries
➤ I have my "Yoga PhD" from Noah Mazé
➤ I rode my bike 16,000km through 22 countries over 2 years
➤ In my life before yoga I managed rock bands
➤ I last lived in Vancouver 20 years ago, until the pandemic brought me back

What should students expect from your class? My hope is that you will leave class feeling like you worked hard, challenged yourself, learned something and had a good time.

Find out more about Stephen at and find our when he is teaching via

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Stephen Ewashkiw
  • Power Yoga and Ahimsa Meditation (60 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    A 50 min Power class with a 10 min Ahimsa meditation.

  • Beach Hatha (70 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    A summer solstice Hatha class inspired by the outdoors and focused on the oblique muscles.

  • Beginner Yoga: Intro to Flow (50 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    A beginner-friendly introduction into Flow Yoga.

    This class is part of a Beginner Yoga series with Stephen:

    Intro to Standing Poses (45 min):
    Intro to Twists & Backbends (40 min):

  • Beginner Yoga: Intro to Twists and Backbends (40 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    This class covers basic alignment for twists and backbends. This class is part of a series you'll find on YYOGA at Home, including:

    Intro to Standing Poses (45 min):
    Intro to Twists & Backbends (40 min...

  • Beginner Yoga: Intro to Standing Poses (45 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    The perfect, basic class if you're newer to yoga. This class is part of a series you'll find on YYOGA at Home, including:

    Intro to Standing Poses (45 min):
    Intro to Twists & Backbends (40 min):

  • Transformational Hatha Yoga (30 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    Join Stephen for a 30-minute Hatha Yoga practice. This practice is all about transformation: transforming how you see yourself and transforming how you see others. Yoga has the ability to help us feel more present, focused, and allows us to meet ourselves where we are at with no guilt or judgement.

  • Power Yoga Rinse (30 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    Join Stephen for a 30-minute Power yoga class. Stephen's invitation to you today is to follow your breath and enjoy the flow. This is a speedy and dynamic vinyasa class great for any time of the day.

  • Express Flow Yoga (30 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    Join Stephen for a 30-minute Vinyasa Flow class. This quick and fun practice connects your mind and your body. Flow with the breath through dynamic movement and embrace a gentle stretch.

  • Evening Release Meditation (10 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    Tune in & let go with Stephen. Enjoy a 10 minute guided meditation to relax after a long day.

  • Hatha for Tight Hips (50 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    Join Stephen to open the hips in this 50-minute Hatha Yoga for hips class. This class focuses on strengthening your glutes which helps open the hips externally, as well as opening the hip flexors. This is a mindful yoga class in which we hold poses for a longer amount of time to really feel the b...

  • Full Body Flow (60 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    This is a well-rounded, full-body flow. This class will include dynamic movement synchronized with the breath. Stephen is using a yoga block (or book) for today's class and suggests all practitioners use it as well.

  • Resist Twist Power (65 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    Know yourself and be transformed — that’s the promise of yoga. This class is an opportunity for you to spend some time on yourself, for yourself, and with yourself. In this class, you’ll turn in, twist, and learn more about how you move. You’ll practice separating turning your hips from twisting ...

  • Gentle Flow (40 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    In this practice, you will stay pretty low to the ground (although you will stand for a few poses) as you prepare and open for some gentle back bending. Expect twists, side bending, and chest opening to help you prepare to lift yourself up. This class is suitable for all levels and is a perfect c...

  • Hatha Yoga: The Strength to Rise (50 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    The Strength to Rise: In this Hatha practice you will focus on your pelvic floor — the starting point of your connection to your deep core. Your deep core lives below the superficial core muscles. Its job is to create an underlying layer of stability that helps you achieve your full potential. In...

  • Foundation Flow (30 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    Find your feet and create stability from the ground up in this 30-minute Flow practice. Stephen will help you reconnect to what almost every pose begins with — where and how you place your feet. When you move from a place of strength and confidence you are better set to find your own creative fl...

  • Fun & Fiery Flow Yoga (60 min) -with Stephen Ewashkiw

    Join Stephen for a 60-minute Vinyasa Flow. You can expect a very strong, full-body practice with a lot of focus on alignment and standing postures.

    No props are required but have blocks (or water bottles) close by for support in balancing poses or to bring the earth to you.

  • Stabilizing Power Yoga (50 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    Destabilize to Stabilise: When you stand in Vrksasana (Tree Pose) and start to wobble, this is your support muscles turning off and on. Each time they turn on it's a chance to build more strength so that one day you can stand more steadily. In this practice, we take that idea and apply it to diff...

  • 360 Core Power (30 min) - with Stephen Ewashkiw

    What requires more often has more to offer. This 30-minute practice is packed with power poses and dynamic movements that require more. In return, it will fire up your core so that you can create capacity for more. We start with a few Sun Salutations to warm up and then jump right into a full 360...