Tutorial: How to do Side Crow Pose (10 min) – with Rachel Scott
Rachel breaks down this strengthening pose so that you can try it out and add it to your practice. Side Crow uses your obliques, your arms, and your shoulders, so you'll feel full upper body engagement.
Tutorial: Goddess Pose (5 min) – with Rachel Scott
Goddess pose gives you both a great stretch and engagement through your legs. Rachel takes you through the pose piece by piece so that you can properly align your legs and knees to get the most out of it.
Tutorial: How to Stretch & Strengthen Your IT Band (15 min) – with Rachel Scott
Whether you're a runner, a cyclist, or just haven't ever given your IT band some love in a while, this is a great tutorial. Rachel takes you through a great, quick stretch while also teaching you about the body!
You'll need a yoga strap and two blocks for this class. If you don't have yoga block...
Tutorial: How to Do Standing Pigeon (5min) — with Jasmina Egeler
Learn how to do Standing Pigeon pose safely and with proper alignment for your body with YYOGA teacher trainer, Jasmina.
She loves it because it requires a greater level of focus because you're balancing on one foot. It also allows you to strengthen your standing leg and foot as well as giving...
Tutorial: Jumping Forward from Downward Facing Dog (5 min) — with Rachel Scott
Rachel shares a yoga transition technique that will help you with jumping forward from downward dog. These tips are super helpful for anyone working on how to jump forward from downward dog.
The secret: be a dog, be a cat, be a bird. Want to understand what this means? Watch the tutorial!
Tutorial: Boat Pose (7 min) — with Jayme Burke
It's believed that Boat Pose works better than crunches! Sometimes in this pose, there's a tendency to let the hip flexors take over. Jayme shows us how to use the core muscles for optimal Boat Pose benefits.
Tutorial: How to Do Half Moon Pose (10 min) — with Katherine Moore
Half Moon (Ardha Chandrasana) is such a great pose; it truly gives you a sense of freedom and possibility. Katherine takes us through preparation for Half Moon, including how to leverage the floor as part of your foundation, and proper alignment and execution of Half Moon pose.
Tip: Grab a block...
Modifications for Knee Injuries (10 min) — with Jasmina Egeler
If you have knee injuries, be sure to check out this tutorial with YYOGA teacher trainer, Jasmina who offers modifications and things to keep in mind as you practice including how you can use props.
Remember, it's YOUR body so only ever do what feels safe and comfortable for you.
Tutorial: How to do Bridge Pose (10 min) — with Jasmina Egeler
Follow along with YYOGA Teacher and Teacher Trainer, Jasmina Egeler as she shows you how to safely and with proper alignment get into Bridge Pose.
Jasmina offers 4 different variations so you can choose what works best for your body today. Remember to keep your head nice and still to protect you...
Tutorial: How to do Side Plank (5 min) — with Mari Dickey
Learn why Vasisthasana (Side Plank) is Mari's favorite pose, and practice with her in this tutorial!
Mari loves Vasisthasana because, as she describes, there are so many ways to modify it — using it as a transition to move into other shapes, educating your side body and beginning to wake it up, ...
Tutorial: How to do Dancer's Pose (5 min) — with Mari Dickey
Learn how get into Dancer's Pose, Natarajasana, with YYOGA teacher trainer Mari Dickey.
This well-known balancing pose is a sweet front body opener, back body straightener, and the peak pose in our YHot sequence.
It also has a lot of progressions, so whether you've just started practicing o...
Tutorial: Jumping into Chaturanga (5 min) — with Mari Dickey
Learn how to do jump back into Chaturanga (low push up) safely and with proper alignment for your body with YYOGA teacher trainer, Mari.
Tutorial: Handstand Prep (10 min) — with Mari Dickey
Alignment based movement is even more important when you're practicing challenging poses like Handstand.
In this 10 minute tutorial and short sequence, learn how to properly warm up and prep for your handstand with inversion expert and YYOGA teacher trainer, Mari Dickey.
Tutorial: How to Do Revolved Triangle (5 min) — with Jayme Burke
In this short tutorial, learn the proper alignment for Triangle Pose with Jayme.
Tutorial: How to Do Side Angle Pose (5 min) — with Rachel Scott
In this yoga tutorial, we look at Side Angle Pose (Parsvakonasana), an accessible pose that almost everybody can do - but it’s really challenging! It gives you an amazing stretch through your side body and spine.
Tutorial: How to do Bridge Pose — with Lisa Sanson
Learn about Lisa's favorite pose, Bridge (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana), and how to practice it in this 5 minute tutorial.
Bridge pose strengthens the back line of the body (glutes, hamstrings, etc), the back of the spine and shoulders, opens up the chest and opens up the front of the hips.
Tutorial: How to do Warrior 2 (5 min) — with Lisa Sanson
In this 5-minute yoga tutorial, learn how to properly get into Warrior 2 pose with the help of Lisa Sanson, YYOGA Teacher Trainer. It helps to have a yoga mat for grounding.
How to do Tree Pose (5 min) — with Lisa Sanson
In this 3-minute yoga tutorial, learn how to properly do Tree Pose with Lisa Sanson, YYOGA Teacher Trainer. It's helpful to have a yoga mat for grounding.
Tutorial: How to do Pigeon Pose (5 min) — with Rachel Scott
Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) is a wonderful shape that stretches the glutes and the outer hips.
If you are a biker, a runner, a hiker, a jogger - this will be a really great pose for you.
Explore a forward folding pigeon with Rachel in this quick tutorial!
Tutorial: How to Do Downward Dog (5 min) — with Jasmina Egeler
Learn how to do Downward Dog safely and with proper alignment for your body with YYOGA teacher trainer, Jasmina.
Tutorial: How to Practice Chaturanga (4 min) — with Katherine Moore
From breath to your foundation, learn from this step-by-step tutorial on how to set up for and practice Chaturanga with athlete, marathon runner, and yoga teacher Katherine Moore.
Tutorial: What Makes YHot Unique (5 min) — with Lisa Sanson
Curious about the differences between YHot and other hot yoga offerings? Lisa Sanson, YYOGA YHot teacher trainer shares more about our signature hot yoga style, YHot, and what makes it unique in this short video.
In our studios, YHot is practiced in 40 degree heat with 40% humidity. YHot is a ...
Tutorial: Learn About Our Signature Styles (5 min) — with Rachel Scott
Curious about what styles of yoga we offer, and how they're different? Start here with Rachel, YYOGA teacher trainer!
Rachel covers the differences between Hatha, Flow, Power, YHot, Restorative and Yin.
See you on the mat!
Tutorial: How Malasana Can Help You Pre-Natal (5 min) — with Quynh Mi
Learn about Malasana (squat), how it can support you pre-natal, and what it can tell you about your body. Your pelvis is 30% more open in this position than in any other.
please speak to your doctor before proceeding with any exercise, including yoga, if you are pregnant to ensure that this p...