Sanctuary Sunday Power (30 min) - with Ashley Levii
A quick and zippy power practice that will challenge you while feeling oh-so-good in your body. Power classes build strength and endurance through a challenging sequence of grounding postures with longer holds.
Up Next in Self-Love
Flow for Acceptance and Commitment (5...
Notice, accept, commit and move forward with the help of this 50 min flow guided by Lisa.
This class is all about movement. How do you want to move into the world? How do you want to move into your practice?
Flow Yoga: Love and Be Loved (30 min)...
A gentle, heart-centered flow inspired by Leo season but perfect for any time.
Flowing Positive Affirmation Stretch ...
A slow, sweet flow paired with positive affirmations that you can say out loud and speak into existence. Let this class set you on a path of light, positivity and joy. The perfect morning class.