Flow Yoga For Kindness To Self And Others (60 min) with Heather Obre
1h 0m
About this class:
Heather begins the class with a beautiful introduction of the Yama's and Niyama's. In this Ahimsa based practice, Heather focuses on the importance of turning inward and tuning into this non-harming energy during our everyday lives.
What is Ahimsa?
Ahimsa is the practice of “nonviolence”. It is an ancient concept originating in the Vedas—Indian spiritual and philosophical wisdom dating from as far back as nearly 4,000 years ago. The Vedas, or “divine knowledge,” were considered authorless and were originally passed down in oral tradition for centuries. Four Vedas, which make up the Bhagavad Gita, were eventually compiled and written down in Sanskrit. A sage, Patanjali, is said to have studied these Vedic texts and developed what we know as the Yoga Sutra and the basis of classical yoga’s eight limbs.
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