Flow Through Feelings (45 min) - with Lisa Sanson
Welcome to a slower-paced Vinyasa Flow class with Lisa. The intention for this practice is the ability to notice the thoughts and emotions you're feeling, and allow them to flow through you. Sometimes we get stuck in a loop over-analyzing something, and allowing ourselves to simply let go of it for a while, can release that mental burden.
Up Next in Self-Love
Meditation: Self Love (15 min) - with...
Join Kyra for a self-love meditation. This meditation is about connecting with the heart-space and diving deeper into the practice of self-love. Find a comfortable seat in any position that serves you, and settle in.
Gratitude Flow (45 min) - with Hillar...
Join Hillary for a gratitude-filled practice. This class includes mindful, Vinyasa-Flow movements that will synchronize your breath, as well as a lot of positive subject matter. Hillary believes in the "Law of Attraction" and on focusing on what you have, not what you lack.
No props are require...
Flow Yoga for Inner Happiness (60 min...
Join Sasha for a thoughtful and special class. In this class, Sasha delves into thoughts about obtaining happiness within yourself. It's so often that we seek happiness from external factors, but really, we find a sense of contentment from within.
The physical practice is a fun and fluid Vinyasa ...