As a subscriber, you get ad-free access to all of our YouTube tutorials and videos as well! Here's a 5-minute Restorative sequence from Juan.
This sequence is perfect for those looking for a mini-stress release class and quick way to decompress.
This class uses bolsters (or pillows), straps (or belts), and yoga blocks (or stacked books / firm pillows).
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Yoga Nidra for Grief, Loss and Sadnes...
Yoga Nidra (or yogic sleep) is a powerful meditation technique. This is one of the easiest yoga practices to develop and maintain because it's accessible for everyone - all you need is a mat and your breath. Use this practice to feel into the full spectrum of your emotions.
Acknowledge the pres...
Meditation for Sleep (10 min) — with ...
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Find a nice space on the wall to work with as well as a bolster and two yoga blocks for su...