Welcome to a Hatha practice with Aaliya. This gentle and peaceful class is perfect to do when you are looking for mindful movement that is easy on the body. It includes connection to the breath, opportunities to modify, and gentle poses to open the body.
"Om, shanti, shanti, shanti" or "om, peace, peace, peace".
Up Next in Protect Your Peace
Yin to Cultivate Tranquility (30 min)...
Join Lisa for a peaceful Yin Yoga practice. In this Yin to cultivate tranquility class, Lisa focuses on regulating the nervous system. Specifically, toning the vagus nerve. Your vagus nerve can help regulate the nervous system, whether you are looking for down-regulation or up-regulation.
Let t...
Meditative Movement (22 min) - with M...
Welcome to 20 minutes of chill, meditative movement with Mikaela. This nourishing practice includes slow movement, long holds, and gentle opening. Experience expansion in your body and peace in your mind.
Props: a Bolster (or rolled-up towel or pilows) and a yoga strap (or scarf or robe tie)
Flowing Affirmation Stretch (20 min) ...
Cultivate self-love with Mikaela in this incredibly positive and peaceful class.
This is a 20-minute sweet, slow-flow yoga class paired with positive affirmations. The movement in this class will be gentle and repetitive.
This class is also perfect for when you are feeling a little low and need...