Power Yoga for Better Balance (30 min) - with Samaneh Asgharzadeh
Enhance your balance with this standing-centered series. Samaneh encourages you to acknowledge and accept any wobbles you experience, as they are part of your journey toward finding harmony in your practice.
Up Next in Power
Live Replay: Cleansing Power Yoga (60...
Release negative thoughts or energies in this purifying practice. Crystal guides you through a thoughtfully curated sequence to support your mental and physical well-being.
This is a replay of a virtual live-stream class so lighting, audio, and teacher demonstration will vary.
Live Replay: Playful Power Yoga (60 m...
An opening and playful practice perfect for any time of day. Join Mari as she guides you through an expansive, strengthening, and invigorating sequence.
This class uses a yoga mat and yoga blocks. If you don't have blocks at home, you can use a stiff pillow, a stack of books or anything similar ...
Live Replay: Expansive Power Yoga (60...
Join Crystal for an expansive Power practice. Building to bird of paradise pose (svarga dvijasana) this class focuses on core engagement, hip opening, and strength.
This class uses a yoga mat, yoga block and yoga strap. If you don't have a strap at home you can use a belt, a scarf or anything si...