Energize Me

Energize Me

Energize yourself naturally with invigorating sequences and classes that will have you focused and ready for your day.

Uplift, restore, re-energize and re-focus with this growing and evolving collection of classes, created and curated with your convenience in mind.

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Energize Me
  • Live Replay: Grounded Power Yoga (60 min) - with Mari Dickey

    This is a Live Replay class.
    Join Mari for a 60 minute Power Yoga class. Prepare to sweat! Build strength and balance through a dynamic and challenging sequence of postures.

    Adapting - going with the unpredictability. Allow this practice and every one you do to be a space where you are able to f...

  • Rise & Flow (20 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for a quick morning Flow Yoga class. This class will synch movement with breath, have you moving dynamically, and wake the spine. This class could also be done any time of the day to give you a little life. Try to set an intention before you begin - what energy would you like to bring i...

  • Wake the Spine Flow (30 min) - with Sasha Smith

    Join Sasha for 30 minutes of Flow Yoga. This is a dynamic practice that will wake up the spine and lubricate the joints, making it perfect to do in the morning to begin your day. You can expect fun sequences, heat-building poses, and attention to the breath.
    Props: 2 blocks or books (optional)

  • Energizing Sun Salutations (40 min) - with Heather Obre

    The perfect way to wake up the body and mind, this invigorating yoga class will keep you moving through sun salutations. Set the tone for your day and take some deep, collective breaths. This practice invites you to stay present, to feel strong, and to be open to whatever lies ahead.

    Props: no ...

  • Rise & Shine Yoga (20 min) - with Veronika Diana

    Give yourself 20 minutes to move your body and wake up your mind. Perfect practice for when you need to stretch your body in the morning or midday.

    Playlist: https://bit.ly/20minsAMyoga

  • Energizing Afternoon Flow (62 min) - with Heather Obre

    Welcome to Heather's 62-minute Energizing Flow class. In this class, you can expect to feel whole and connected to your body. This is an uplifting class to energize the body and mind, perfect for an afternoon pick-me-up. This is an all-level practice, so honor where you're at and add on or pull b...

  • Morning Yoga Flow (35 min) - with Vanessa Bourget

    Join Vanessa for a quick Flow Yoga class! This is an express yoga class and is perfect for the morning. It will wake your body up, fire up a little bit of heat, and give your whole body a great, opening stretch.
    Props: No equipment required.

  • Morning Yoga Pick-Me-Up (20 min) - with Katrina Chan

    Join Katrina for a quick Yoga practice. This is a 20-minute Vinyasa Flow class to wake you up. This class has a balance of stretching, opening, and flowing to get your day going when you don't have a lot of time.
    Flow Yoga includes a dynamic sequence of poses synchronized with the breath. No prop...

  • Express Vinyasa Flow (25 min) - with Mari Dickey

    Join Mari for a 25-minute Flow Yoga class. This is a full-body, all levels class. It's perfect for when you want some feel-good movement without something that is too slow or too challenging. While this is a full-body class, we will be working a lot of the side body through twists and side-body o...

  • Heart & Hips Feel-Good Flow (30 min) - with Mari Dickey

    Join Mari for a quick Flow Yoga practice!
    This 30-minute class will open your shoulders, your front body, and your hips. Especially in the summer months as we do more walking, running, and hiking, these areas can get really tight, so this practice is perfect to open yourself up. This is a quick, ...

  • Invigorating Morning Flow (70 min) - with Anna Oldfield

    Awaken your body with this strong and steady 70-minute flow. Making you feeling balanced, energized, and ready for your day, you'll stretch out the entire front line of your body. Including quads, hip flexors, chest, and shoulders as you flow through a sequence including crescent lungs, half moon...

  • Morning Energy Flow (22 min) - with Sasha Smith

    Join Sasha for a quick, energizing morning Flow. Today in this 22-minute practice, we are going to wake up the spine and get your body moving. Strengthening movements of the spine squeeze & compress the adrenal gland which can give you more energy!
    Props: Sasha recommends having a block or book f...

  • Rise & Give Me 20 (22 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for this quick, Rise & Flow practice! This class is just over 20 minutes long, but it is the perfect way to start your day. Although this is a quick practice, it will get your blood pumping and include breathwork as well as a great stretch.
    This is a Flow Yoga practice. Flow Yoga is a ...

  • Light Your Inner Fire YHot (60 min) - with Sasha Smith

    Join Sasha for a 60-minute YHot style sequence practice!
    In a studio, this class would be practiced in a heated room. At home, you can practice in front of a fireplace, with the heat cranked up, or even on a sunny day outside! The sequencing of this class is very intelligent and does not need to ...

  • Full Body Rinse (25 min) - with Vanessa Bourget

    Join Vanessa for a Full Body Rinse practice. This 25-minute class is designed to hit every part of your body - to wake it up, and to help you get moving. This is a yoga-inspired class that also involves a lot of cardiovascular movement. It's the perfect full-body workout and stretch when you are ...

  • Flowing Hatha (45 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Join Lisa for a 45-minute practice. This is going to be a strong Hatha-Flow yoga class, so keep in mind the idea of "strong". Lisa encourages you to find your own strength as you move through the practice and to modify where you need to to be able to connect with your breath and practice proper a...

  • 80's Cardio Power Yoga (45 min) - with Mikaela Millington

    Join Mikaela for this fun, 80's playlist-themed Cardio Power yoga class! This will be 45 minutes of singing and moving our bodies. This class will feature dynamic movements that will get our heart rate up as we synchronize our movement with breath. Let's crank up the tunes, stay present, and have...

  • Strong Vinyasa Flow (60 minutes) - with Krystina Simes

    Join Krystina for a 60-minute Strong Vinyasa Flow class. This will be a fiery practice filled with dynamic movement, breath, and strength-building poses. This class is beautifully balanced, so expect a nice stretch to compliment the heat.
    Optional Props: 2 blocks (or pillows/books)

  • Cardio Power & Core (45 min) - with Mikaela Millington

    Join Mikaela for a 45 minute Cardio Power and Core practice. This is a Flow- Power class that is a mix of traditional and non-traditional yoga. This means we will be using postures to build some heat, but we will also be adding in some elements of cardio.
    This class also includes a good amount o...

  • Rise & Shine Power-Flow (45 min) - with Heather Obre

    Join Heather for a 45 minute Rise and Shine Power/Flow class. This mind-body connection is a beautiful way to start your day. This is an all-levels practice with options to spice things up or to take a rest when you need it.
    In a Power-Flow class, we will move dynamically, synchronizing our breat...

  • Pilates Cardio & Core (45 min) - with Hana Weinwurm

    Join Hana for a 45 minute Pilates Cardio and Core class! We will begin with a warm-up, and then get into a combination of low-impact cardio movements, and then traditional Pilates with a mix of fitness and yoga. This is an awesome, full-body fusion class!
    No props required - all you need is your...

  • Power-Flow with Guiding Breath (30 min) - with Alia Mai

    Join Alia Mai for a 30-minute Power-Flow class. This is a Vinyasa Flow-style class with powerful holds and postures. Alia invites us to play with our breath in this practice. This means deep inhales and long, controlled exhales. Let your breath guide your movement and not the other way around. R...

  • Modified Ashtanga Primary Series II (60 min) - with Connor Roff

    Join Connor for a 60 minute Modified Ashtanga Yoga class!
    Ashtanga, which means “eight-limbed yoga,” is the origin of so many of our yoga practices today including vinyasa/power flows. Ashtanga goes into detail about key components of yoga such as vinyasa, drishti, bandhas, mudras, and philosophy...

  • Flow Yoga: Morning Sun Salutations (30 min) - with Jayme Burke

    Join Jayme for a wonderful, morning Sun Salutation pick-me-up! This is a nice little Flow Yoga practice to get you energized for your day. Flow yoga is a style of yoga that synchronizes breath to dynamic movement.
    This is an all-levels practice that requires no props. Enjoy!