As a subscriber, you get ad-free access to all of our YouTube tutorials and videos as well as original, exclusive content! Here's a quick, 15-minute Flow class focused on stretching out the legs with Jayme Burke.
If you have tight legs, you may opt to use blocks (or anything else you have on hand like stiff pillows or a stack of books).
This is the perfect, quick flow sequence for those looking for a lower body stretch.
Up Next in Energize Me
Flow Yoga: Daily Maintenance for Runn...
This dynamic flow class is perfect for runners, athletes or anyone looking to increase flexibility and get a great stretch in.
This class synchronizes your breath with movement in order to build strength, balance, and flexibility.
Grab your mat and a yoga block and settle in! Katherine sugg...
Daily Maintenance for Runners (10 min...
This class comes with and without music - check out our library for the non-musical version!
This dynamic flow class is perfect for runners, athletes or anyone looking to increase flexibility and get a great stretch in.
This class synchronizes your breath with movement in order to build str...
Pilates and Flow Yoga (30 min) — with...
In this class, you’ll enjoy a fusion of Pilates and yoga which compliment each other wonderfully. While yoga encourages us to access range of motion and create long lean lines with our body, Pilates reminds us about the importance of stability.
Pilates Fusion uses controlled movements to impr...