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Fiery Flow for Beginners (30 min) - with Sasha Smith
Energize Me
All levels practice that starts from the ground up (so you know how to scale down) while building towards a full vinyasa.
The perfect class to start building the heat.
Up Next in Energize Me
Fiery Pranayama Flow (60 min) - with ...
Prana - the life force within the body - is the circulation of energy in our system.
This practice is filled with lots of movement, vitality, fire and breath. Prepare to get flowing - and even a little sweaty.
Dynamic Fast Paced Power Flow (50 min...
A strong power flow practice that will be fast paced and dynamic.
Dharma Flow to Clear the Mind (35 min...
Rinse your body and clear your mind from the work day, or take a quick yoga break, with this fast but efficient flow with Sasha Smith. The perfect transitionary class to cleanse and get into a better mindset.