Live Replay: Grounding Yin & Meditation (60 min) - with Lisa Sanson
1h 0m
Join Lisa for a 60-minute mid-morning slow-paced practice. Yin uses long deep stretching to enhance joint mobility and flexibility. Today's practice will end with a short guided meditation.
Theme: Grounding, calming, centered practice. Props will help to allow the body to fully relax, and reassure the body has support to let go, sink in, and become grounded.
Suggested Props: bolster, blanket or cushions. Blocks or books.
LIVE Wednesday, September 16, 2020 @ 10:00AM PST
Up Next in Meditation
Live Repay: Yin & Meditation to Open ...
Enjoy a slow-paced practise that uses long deep stretching, to enhance joint mobility and flexibility. Open up, release and surrender to the melting of the body as we relax our muscles and settle into gentle stretching.
Props: yoga mat, blocks or pillows, and a bolster or blanket.
LIVE Wednesd...
Meditation for Emotional Healing (21 ...
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We've partnered with TELUS Health MyCare™ on this Mindfulness Collection to bring you more ways to introd...
Meditation Before Sleep (17 min) — wi...
This meditation with Lisa Sanson is geared towards helping you sleep. Relax, find a comfy spot (you can lay down or in your bed for this!) and settle in. Enjoy ... Zzzzz.
We've partnered with TELUS Health MyCare™ on this Mindfulness Collection to bring you more ways to introduce mindfulness into...