This practice emphasizes a balance of postural alignment and breathing techniques to stretch and strengthen your body.
Kate guides you through a strong Hatha practice and cues the use of props, which is helpful in finding the proper alignment in your poses.
This class uses a yoga mat, yoga strap and yoga blocks. If you don't have blocks at home, you can use a stiff pillow, a stack of books or anything similar you have around your home that is stable and supports you in the same way. If you don't have a strap, you can use a belt, a housecoat belt or whatever you have around the house.
Up Next in Kate Gillespie
Flow Yoga: Slow, Full Body Practice (...
Feel even better than before with an hour of smooth, soul-approved flow. You’ll synchronize your breath with movement in order to build strength, balance, and flexibility.
Breathe and reach with intention as you lengthen and fold, open and let go. With Kate, you’ll release tension in the front, ...
Power Yoga: Deep Twisting Practice (6...
Build strength and balance as Kate leads you through a dynamic sequence full of nourishing, deep twisting postures. Twists are wonderful for the body as they are energizing, detoxifying, and de-stressing.
This class uses a yoga mat and yoga blocks. If you don't have blocks at home, you can use a...
Meet Kate Gillespie
Meet YYOGA power and flow teacher, Kate Gillespie!
We asked Kate...
What can students expect from your class?
Expect to be challenged in a good strong, fluid and playfully sequenced class. Sweat, smile and have a good time.@kategillespieyoga