Meet Kate Gillespie (+ hear her favorite style of yoga)
Kate Gillespie
Meet YYOGA power and flow teacher, Kate Gillespie!
We asked Kate...
What can students expect from your class?
Expect to be challenged in a good strong, fluid and playfully sequenced class. Sweat, smile and have a good time.
Up Next in Kate Gillespie
Flow Yoga: for flexibility and streng...
Dive into a beginner-friendly dynamic sequence of postures with Kate Gillespie.
Synchronize your breath with movement and build strength with this 9 minute practice perfect for those looking to increase flexibility and balance.
This class uses a strap and blocks. Alternative items you may h...
Power Yoga for a Strong Core (60 min)...
This class comes with and without music - check out our library for the non-musical version!
Prepare to sweat! Build strength and balance through a dynamic and challenging sequence of postures. YYOGA Power is usually practiced in a room that is heated at 32 degrees, however this is not mandato...
Power Yoga for a Strong Core (60 min)...
Prepare to sweat! Build strength and balance through a dynamic and challenging sequence of postures. YYOGA Power is usually practiced in a room that is heated at 32 degrees, however this is not mandatory or necessary to get the most out of this class.
Kate leads you through a sequence targetin...