The Strength to Rise: In this Hatha practice you will focus on your pelvic floor — the starting point of your connection to your deep core. Your deep core lives below the superficial core muscles. Its job is to create an underlying layer of stability that helps you achieve your full potential. In this class, you will work to connect to your deep core with focus and intention so that you take part in the support it offers you. This creates a safer, stronger, and more connected practice. Today's work is also known as Mula Bandha — the root lock that is the beginning of your Ujjayi breathing.
Up Next in Hatha
Mindful Hatha (60 min) - with Araba A...
This is 60 minutes of mindful, Hatha yoga. In this yoga practice, try to think of your movement as meditation. Focus on maintaining non-judgemental moment-to-moment awareness and not striving to get somewhere, simply allowing yourself to be just as you are.
Hatha for Self Acceptance (45 min) - ...
Join Araba for an all levels Hatha Yoga class. This class is great for beginners and focuses on the breath, as well as foundational yoga poses. You can expect to hold poses for longer periods of time, checking in with yourself and your body to find what feels good.
YHot Inspired Hatha (60 min) - with H...
This is a great class for practitioners who love the YHot sequence! This is a Hatha-based Yoga practice that follows a lot of the Hot Yoga sequence of postures but does not need to be practiced in a hot room.
Hillary focuses on the benefits of the postures in this sequence and invites you to be ...