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YExpress Endurance (20 min) — with Kevin Maynard [WITH MUSIC]

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Power Yoga: Sweaty and Energizing (20 min) — with Jayme Burke [WITH MUSIC]

Filmed on Location • 19m

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  • YExpress Endurance (20 min) — with Ke...

    This class comes with and without music - check out our library for the non-musical version!

    Grab your weights and prepared to be challenged in this full body 20 minute YExpress for endurance. Perfect for a lunch break workout!

    Because this class is practiced barefoot, you'll be training yo...

  • YSculpt with Weights (50 min) — with ...

    This class comes with and without music - check out our library for the non-musical version if you'd prefer to plug in your own tunes!

    Be challenged and get sweaty with this mindful movement class: YSculpt with weights with YYOGA fitness teacher Kevin Maynard.

    Because this class is practice...

  • Cardio Barre Intermediate (40 min) — ...

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    Turn on your fave playlist to feel motivated and inspired!

    While this i...