Cathy leads this slower practice that will help you to ease into some postures that could provide gentle relief. Hatha typically also involves breath, body, and mind and you'll be invited to find some grounding balance through this practice.
This particular Hatha practice is perfect for anyone with tight lower back muscles and if you're currently recovering from a low back injury. Please make sure to check with your doctor or health care provider to ensure that this practice is right for you.
Cathy provides options for each of the poses whether you're looking for something extremely gentle or if you're needing a deeper stretch during class. The class starts off laying down with Happy Baby, leading through to Lizard Pose and into twists that open up some space in your back and side body. If you're keen to find mobility in your back you can do this practice a couple of times a week.
This class uses a yoga mat, yoga blocks and a chip foam block. If you don't have blocks at home, you can use a stiff pillow, a stack of books or anything similar you have around your home that is stable and supports you in the same way. Cathy also uses a chip foam block for this class. If you don't have access to one of these you can use a folded towel, or a smaller pillow.
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