Yin yoga focuses mainly on the stressing of the tissues rather than stretching them. This is an important distinction because this style of practice, when done properly, can enhance joint mobility and flexibility.
Lucy gives you lots of variations in this class, so if a pose isn't accessible feel free to take the modification. Starting in a seated meditation you'll connect to your breath and body. You'll feel a beautiful lengthening throughout the body as Lucy gently guides you through this class with a focus on mindfulness and Vedic stories.
Find a quiet space and roll out your mat. You'll need yoga blocks and a bolster for this class but if you don't have these, find some stiff pillows and rolled up blankets.
Up Next in Evening Calm
Flow Yoga for Emotional Release (17 m...
This Flow Yoga class, with Hillary Keegan, will support you in building emotional strength and release.
We've partnered with TELUS Health MyCare™ on this Mindfulness Collection to bring you more ways to introduce mindfulness into your day.
Meditation for Emotional Healing (21 ...
Whatever you're feeling needs to have space to move, shift, and share the message that it holds. As Lisa touches on, emotions needs to be expressed and this meditation will help you do that.
We've partnered with TELUS Health MyCare™ on this Mindfulness Collection to bring you more ways to introd...
Meditation Before Sleep (17 min) — wi...
This meditation with Lisa Sanson is geared towards helping you sleep. Relax, find a comfy spot (you can lay down or in your bed for this!) and settle in. Enjoy ... Zzzzz.
We've partnered with TELUS Health MyCare™ on this Mindfulness Collection to bring you more ways to introduce mindfulness into...