Eliza Butler

Eliza Butler

Eliza is a coach, psychotherapist (to-be), meditation teacher, breathwork facilitator, cis-gendered white female, and most importantly a human being who believes that we are all capable of finding our own version of health and well-being. She works to guide you back to your most powerful resource: the breath. Her approach is heart-centered, evidence-based, and trauma-informed. She combines her extensive knowledge in integrative health, neurobiology, mindfulness & meditation, breathwork, and trauma-informed somatic psychology in all the work she does.
Instagram: @elizab.well
Website: www.elizabwell.com

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Eliza Butler
  • Breathing Through Uncertain Times (10 min) - with ElizaButler

    Welcome to Eliza's breathwork and meditation around managing feelings of uncertainty. This is something we have all had experience with in the last few years, but it is something that can come in many shapes and forms moving forward.

    Find a comfortable seat, settle in, and let Eliza guide you t...

  • Breathing Through Uncertain Times (10 min) - with Eliza Butler

    Welcome to Eliza's breathwork and meditation around managing feelings of uncertainty. This is something we have all had experience with in the last few years, but it is something that can come in many shapes and forms moving forward.

    Find a comfortable seat, settle in, and let Eliza guide you t...

  • Breathing Through Uncertain Times (10 min) - with Eliza Butler

    Welcome to Eliza's breathwork and meditation around managing feelings of uncertainty. This is something we have all had experience with in the last few years, but it is something that can come in many shapes and forms moving forward.

    Find a comfortable seat, settle in, and let Eliza guide you t...

  • Gratitude Meditation (13 min) - with Eliza Butler

    Take a few minutes to sit with Eliza and breath in some gratitude. This meditation is great when you are feeling a little low, for when you want to return to gratitude, or even when you are having a great day and want to embody that feeling of thankfulness.

    Find a comfortable seat, however that...

  • Progressive Breathwork: Upregulation (22 min) - with Eliza Butler

    This is Day 5 of a 5-day progressive breathwork series. It's the final video of the series and should be done at the end of your breathwork journey.

    Breathwork for Upregulation: In this final breathing practice, Eliza guides us through an exercise that will help build more resilience in the body...

  • Progressive Breathwork: Calming Focus (16 min) - with Eliza Butler

    This is Day 4 of a 5-day progressive breathwork series.

    Breathwork for calming focus and balancing the nervous system: Eliza guides us through breathing techniques that help bring a sense of focused calm to our mind and body. These exercises are intended to be used at any time throughout the da...

  • Progressive Breathwork: Diaphragmatic Breathing (14 min) - with Eliza Butler

    Diaphragmatic Breathing & Exhale Emphasis for Parasympathetic Activation: When we are stressed, we often breathe into the upper chest. Eliza guides you to breathe back down into the belly to engage and strengthen the diaphragm, our most important breathing muscle. She also explains the importance...

  • Progressive Breathwork: Yawning & Sighing (14 min) - with Eliza Butler

    This is Day 2 of a 5-day progressive breathwork series.

    Yawning & Sighing: In this class, we bring intention and awareness into breathing patterns that we often do subconsciously throughout the day. We often try to suppress our yawns and sighs, but often they can be very beneficial to our overal...

  • Progressive Breathwork: Breath Awareness (15 min) - with Eliza Butler

    This is Day 1 out of a 5-day progressive breathwork series.

    Breath Awareness: Embodying the difference between meditation and breathwork is important. This class will guide you into becoming the observer of the breath so you can become aware of the quality of the breath. This work lays the foun...

  • Cultivating Self-Compassion: Mindfulness (15 min) - with Eliza Butler

    This is part 1 of a 3 part Meditation series on cultivating self-compassion.

    This class is all about mindfulness. Mindfulness is being conscious and aware of what is arising in the present moment. With this being the focus of today's session, Eliza will include breathwork and meditation to help...

  • Cultivating Self-Compassion: Common Humanity (15 min) - with Eliza Butler

    This is part 3 of a 3 part Meditation series on cultivating self-compassion.

    Join Eliza in this 13-minute meditation and breathwork class. The pillar that we will be focusing on today is Common Humanity. This is being able to envision ourselves in the larger picture. This is recognizing that we ...

  • Cultivating Self-Compassion: Self-Kindness (13 min) - with Eliza Butler

    This is part 2 of a 3 part Meditation series on cultivating self-compassion.

    Join Eliza in this 13-minute meditation and breathwork class. The pillar that we will be focusing on today is self-kindness. This is actively being able to treat ourselves in kindness and love so that we can ultimately ...