

Classes designed for anyone who’d like to improve their balance with yoga.

  • Calming Evening Moon Class (20 min) — with Crystal Rainbow Borrelli

    When you're ready to call it a night, Crystal's Cool Evening Flow honours the moon and all you just worked through. Clear your mind, calm your nerves, and practice Brahmari breath before returning to your bed.

    Synchronize breath with movement in order to build strength, balance, and flexibility...

  • What are birds and bugs? Mari Dickey explains.

    If you look at the translation from Sanskrit, for a lot of arm balances in the yoga practice, they translate into names of insects ands birds.

    Every shape should be a balance of steadiness and ease-fulness.

    Arm balances invite you to play in some shapes that are asymmetrical and allow you to mo...

  • Power Yoga Intermediate: Birds & Bugs (75 min) — with Mari Dickey

    Why Birds & Bugs? Well, In Sanskrit, a lot of arm balances in the yoga practice translate into names of birds and bugs – if you're curious about playing with arm balances, this is your class! Even if you’re not quite there yet, Mari offers plenty of prep for every pose so you’re already doing the...

  • What's Self Love Hatha? Hillary Keegan explains.

    A Self Love Hatha class invites you to be in the stillness of the moment – inhaling love, exhaling gratitude while also finding patience and strength within yourself.

    Hillary shares, "One of the beautiful parts about self love, when you move into your body, is about opening up and not being jud...

  • Self Love Hatha Yoga (30 min) — with Hillary Keegan

    A nourishing class offering heart opening backbends, detoxifying twists, and relaxing folds.

    A Self Love Hatha class invites you to be in the stillness of the moment – inhaling love, exhaling gratitude while also finding patience and strength within yourself.

    Hillary shares, "One of the beaut...

  • Power Yoga Intermediate (75 min) — "the Rocket 2" with Risto Duggan

    Risto Duggan guides you through a Rocket Yoga 2 sequence. Rocket Yoga is a well-rounded and 75 minute power yoga practice.

    Rocket Yoga was designed to be an accessible version of the traditional Ashtanga Yoga. Put together by Larry Schultz who studied Ashtanga Yoga under the expert K. Pattabhi J...

  • Peaceful Flow Yoga for Winding Down (20 min) — with Hillary Keegan

    Take 15 minutes out of your day for this peaceful flow yoga class for winding down. Hillary ends this grounding class with a beautiful, sound bowl meditation.

    Nowhere to go, nothing to do - just be here for you.

  • Live Replay: Hatha Yoga (40 min) - with Sandra Stephanson

    This slower practice emphasizes a balance of postural alignment and breathing techniques to stretch and strengthen your body.

  • Flow Yoga: Heart Opening Practice (60 min) — with Jayme Burke

    Enjoy this 60-minute heart-opening flow class with postures focusing on strengthening your back while opening up your front body.

    Synchronize your breath with movement in order to build strength, balance, and flexibility.

    Jayme, YYOGA teacher and Teacher Trainer, offers modifications, inviting ...

  • All Levels Power Yoga: Suitable for Beginners (30 min) — with Shannon Ferguson

    Enjoy this 30 min power yoga class, accessible for all levels. Build strength and balance through a dynamic sequence of postures.

    You may find yoga blocks helpful in this class. If you don't have blocks at home, you can use a stiff pillow, a stack of books or anything similar you have around you...

  • Flow Yoga: for Strength & Focus (30 min) — with Hillary Keegan

    A dynamic sequence of postures that synchronizes your breath with movement in order to build strength, balance, and flexibility.

    You may find yoga block helpful in this class. If you don't have blocks at home, you can use a stiff pillow, a stack of books or anything similar you have around your ...

  • Dynamic Flow Yoga (60 min) — with Sasha Smith

    A dynamic sequence of postures that synchronizes your breath with movement in order to build strength, balance, and flexibility.

    Get started in a heart melting pose and allow Sasha to guide you through this grounding 60 minute class. Tip: Play your favourite 'yoga at home' playlist. Many of our ...