Runner's Flow (35 min) - with Heather Obre
Athletic Recovery
This is a 35-minute Vinyasa Flow class designed for runners. It's a fiery flow that will open and stretch the areas of the legs that often get tight, as well as get you moving in a dynamic way.
As runners, we may feel tightness in the quads, outer hips, and hip flexors. Take some time within your running program to make sure you stretch these areas of your legs to keep you limber and running at your optimal ability.
Up Next in Athletic Recovery
Hatha Yoga for Runners and Cyclists (...
A short sequence for athletes of any kind of sport, to take you through some postures that will allow for some nice openings in your body.
This class will offer an excellent opportunity to get into those places that like to get tight, like your hip flexors and shoulders.
You'll start with a nic...
Live Replay: Cozy Après Ski Hatha (60...
Join Lisa for a 60-minute Cozy Après Ski Hatha class! This slower practice emphasizes a balance of postural alignment and breathing techniques to stretch and strengthen your body.
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Hatha Yoga for Tight Hamstrings (30 m...
Hatha yoga is a slower practice that allows you to hold lengthening poses for a longer amount of time. It involves breath, body, and mind as you're invited to find your muscle's edge with each move. This particular Hatha practice is perfect for anyone with tight legs or hamstrings, runners, cycli...