40 - 60 minutes

40 - 60 minutes

With classes ranging from 40 - 60 minutes in length, this collection is for those that have a little extra time and want to spend at least 40 minutes on the mat.

If 40 - 60 minutes still isn't enough, consider stacking your work outs and classes to customize a practice to your needs, mood and body!

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40 - 60 minutes
  • Warrior 3 Hatha Yoga (50 min) - with Jayme Burke

    Join Jayme for a Hatha Yoga practice. This class works toward Warrior 3 pose. This pose contains hip-flexor opening, balance, and a strong midline/core focus. To help with balance, have some yoga blocks (or sturdy books, water bottles, etc) close by.

  • Lengthen & Strengthen (45 min) - with Hana Weinwurm

    Join Hana for a balanced class of both strength-building moves as well as lengthening, stretching poses. This class includes a warm-up, a 35-minute combination of strength (using weights) and stretches, as well as a 5-minute core focus and a cool down.

    Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist...

  • Flow Through Feelings (45 min) - with Lisa Sanson

    Welcome to a slower-paced Vinyasa Flow class with Lisa. The intention for this practice is the ability to notice the thoughts and emotions you're feeling, and allow them to flow through you. Sometimes we get stuck in a loop over-analyzing something, and allowing ourselves to simply let go of it f...

  • Power-Flow Vinyasa (45 min) - with Jasmina Egeler

    Join Jasmina for a 45-minute Power Yoga class. There is no time wasted in this class and is perfect for those who want to make the most of 45 minutes of yoga. This is a dynamic class that flows with the breath, wakes the body, and opens you up.

    No props are required.

  • Pilates HIIT (45 min) - with Hana Weinwurm

    Join Hana for a Pilates HIIT workout. This 45-minute class includes both Pilates (low-impact, core-focused) and HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training). This class combines the benefits of both styles of movement. You can expect a series that includes 10 minutes of Pilates followed by 5 minutes o...

  • Twisting & Soaring Flow (45 min) - with Sasha Smith

    Join Sasha for a hip-opening Vinyasa Flow class. If you have tight hips and hamstrings, this class is for you. Sasha will focus on greatly opening these areas with the ultimate goal of reaching the peak pose, Visvamitrasana. Visvamitrasana is a challenging pose that incorporates many pieces in on...

  • Flow State (45 min) - with Connor Roff

    Drop into your body and find your flow state. This is a minimal cueing class which allows practitioners to listen less to the teacher's voice and more to what is going on in their bodies. It's best suited for well-practiced yogis who have the fundamentals of yoga and proper alignment down.


  • Tune in & Flow (50 min) - with Heather Obre

    Tune in and flow with Heather. This class is about connecting to your mind and body. Tune into your breath, your alignment, and the way your body feels. You can expect dynamic movement synchronized with your breath and flowing postures.

    No props are required.

  • Power Vinyasa Flow (45 min) - with Rebecca Hollingworth

    Join Rebecca for a balanced Vinyasa Flow class. This class will explore a lot of externally opening-shaped poses. What is possible when we open ourselves up to receive?

    You can expect a dynamic yoga class with lots of flowing movement synchronized with the breath. Optional props include yoga blo...

  • Flow Yoga: How the Warriors Came to Be (55 min) - with Crystal Rainbow Borelli

    Ever wondered how the Warrior poses got their names? Join Crystal for a Flow Yoga class that includes a beautiful storytelling introduction all about how the Warriors came to be.
    This is a fun and dynamic class dedicated to different Warrior poses. You can expect to flow with the breath, build so...

  • Flow for Emotional Release (45 min) - with Kyra Morrison

    This is a 45-minute Flow Yoga practice to help support emotional release. You can expect a lot of hip openers and heart openers. Kyra is using some props to help provide a sense of support in some of the postures.

    Props: 2 yoga blocks and a bolster (or rolled blankets, pillows, cushions).

  • Cardio Power (55 min) - with Alison Klektau

    Prepare to sweat!

    This Cardio Power class comes in at just under an hour. It's a challenging, fast-moving Power Yoga class. There will be constant movement, which means very few long holds. You can expect a lot of Vinyasas, so modify as you need to and take breaks when you need.

  • Hatha Yoga: Root to Rise (55 min) - with Alison Klektau

    Join Alison for a 55-minute Hatha Yoga practice. This class focuses on stability. As we create a strong foundation, we feel more stable and secure in our standing postures. Working on stability also can create more space for us to open into.

    Alison recommends having one or two yoga blocks if yo...

  • Feel Good Breath Centric Flow (45 min) - with Crystal Rainbow Borelli

    This is 45 minutes of Flow Yoga with Crystal. This feel-good flow is all about finding what feels good in your body. Rather than pushing to your limit, find a center that feels good and filled with peace. Crystal also invites you to notice how your body feels, and also how you feel energetically ...

  • Gratitude Flow (45 min) - with Hillary Keegan

    Join Hillary for a gratitude-filled practice. This class includes mindful, Vinyasa-Flow movements that will synchronize your breath, as well as a lot of positive subject matter. Hillary believes in the "Law of Attraction" and on focusing on what you have, not what you lack.

    No props are require...

  • Flow Yoga for Inner Happiness (60 min) - with Sasha Smith

    Join Sasha for a thoughtful and special class. In this class, Sasha delves into thoughts about obtaining happiness within yourself. It's so often that we seek happiness from external factors, but really, we find a sense of contentment from within.
    The physical practice is a fun and fluid Vinyasa ...

  • Front Body Opening Slow Flow (60 min) - with Jayme Burke

    This is a front-body opening slow flow. Jayme will be focusing on opening the hip flexors, quads, and the chest. This slower-moving Vinyasa Flow class will leave you feeling more open and energized.

    Optional props: 2 blocks

  • Sun Salutation Flow (50 min) - with Anna Oldfield

    Join Anna for a 50-minute Vinyasa Flow. This class is meant to awaken the body or energize you any time of the day. Sun Salutations bring lots of vitality to the body and help you tune into the flow and out of your head.

    No props are required for this class

  • Power Yoga for Inner Strength (50 min) - with Sasha Smith

    Just by being here and showing up to do Power Yoga, you have cultivated inner strength. This class will move dynamically and invites you to challenge youself. You can expect to flow with your breath and find stillness in deep stretches.

    No props are required

  • 15/15/15 Workout (55 minutes) - with Hana Weinwurm

    Get ready to sweat! This is a full-body workout plan with a warm-up and cool-down.

    Props for class:
    - a towel for sweat
    - yoga mat
    - a set of weights (one heavier set and one lighter set if you have them)
    - (optional) a booty band or resistance band
    - gliders (or socks on hardwood or carpet)


  • Flow for Hips & Thighs (60 min) - with Alia Mai

    Join Alia for a 60-minute class focusing on the hips. This Vinyasa Flow class will move dynamically with the breath, get your body moving, and focus on balancing internal and external rotation of the hips.

    You can use a yoga block for this class to help with alignment.

  • Relax & Restore Yin/Vin (45 min) - with Mikaela Millington

    Join Mikaela for a relaxing Yin/Vinyasa class. This class uses props and is mainly focused on deep relaxing postures and opening. Mikaela also includes some slow Vinyasa Flow poses to get the body moving a little bit, while honouring the greater purpose of deep relaxation in this class.


  • Restorative Mindful Flow (50 min) - with Anna Oldfield

    A gentle and restorative practice that focuses on rejuvenating our energy and regulating our nervous system. Focusing on our hips to help ground us and a few easy backbends to re-energize us.

    There are Wide-legged folds, lunges with gentle twists. Diving deeper into the hips with a variation of...

  • Power Yoga: Practicing Ahimsa (50 min) - with Heather Obre

    What is Ahimsa?
    Ahimsa is the practice of “nonviolence”. It is an ancient concept originating in the Vedas—Indian spiritual and philosophical wisdom dating from as far back as nearly 4,000 years ago. The Vedas, or “divine knowledge,” were considered authorless and were originally passed down in o...