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Watch this video and more on YYOGA at Home

Post Holiday Powerful Pilates Fusion (40 min) - with Alexei Geronimo

30 - 40 minutes • 42m
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Up Next in 30 - 40 minutes

  • Unwind and Calm Your Mind Flow (40 mi...

    This soothing practice allows you to calm your mind through releasing through your body.

    This class uses a yoga mat and yoga blocks. If you don't have blocks at home, you can use a stiff pillow, a stack of books or anything similar you have around your home that is stable and supports you in the...

  • Power for Balance & Stability (30 min...

    Join Reith for a fun and challenging Power practice. This class offers the space to explore your balance and build stability. Expect single-leg standing postures like tree pose (vrksasana) and half moon pose (ardha chandrasana).

  • Cultivate a Loving Heart Yin (30 min)...

    Open yourself wholeheartedly to love by slowing down and relaxing the mind and body in this restorative practice.

    This class uses a yoga mat, blocks, and bolster. If you don't have blocks or a bolster at home, you can use a stiff pillow, a wrapped blanket, a stack of books, or anything similar ...